(The Play About the Turtle)
by Samantha Marchant

Shortly after her husband’s premature passing, Cedar finds herself with two new tenants in her home. Her husband would have eased the transition of Dawn, her mother-in-law, but now that task is up to her. Then there’s Reed, whose baggage is mostly metaphorical, except for the turtle, Ambrose. The three must learn how to cohabitate while Cedar prepares to bring yet another member into the household, an adopted baby.
- Cast Size: 1M 3W
- Running Time: 90+ minutes
- Royalty Rate: $75 per performance
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About the Playwright

Samantha Marchant is a playwright and director based in Rochester, NY. She graduated from the Naslund-Mann Graduate School of Writing at Spalding University with a concentration in Playwriting. Her work has been produced on both US coasts and has had readings all across the country and in Canada. Her plays have been produced or developed with Nickel Flour, Woven Theatre, Inkwell Lab, Workshop Theater, The Pulp Stage, The Skeleton Rep(resents), Theater Three, TMDT, Post Industrial Productions, Skull and Dagger, Alleyway Theatre, and Route 66, among others. She has attended the Sewanee Writers’ Conference as a Horton Foote Scholar in playwriting. Her writing has been published in Smith & Kraus The Best 10-Minute Plays, Go Play Outside, The Louisville Review, Sick Lit Magazine and Women Writing Letters Season 3 and 4. She is a proud member of the Dramatist Guild and BAWG Playwrights. She longs for what’s weird and a good laugh.
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