by Kara Poe Atnip and Lisa Dellagiarino

Preston Taylor, executive director of a Portland, Oregon-based environmental nonprofit, has two loves: yachts and women.  His wife (Elizabeth) is running for governor. Her campaign is using up most of their disposable income, so when Preston falls in love with The Shady Lady – a yacht far outside his price range – he uses the nonprofit’s money to buy it, unbeknownst to his staff (Nicole, Madison, Leah, Melinda, Deborah, and Big Preston – his son). But now, Ronan Farrow is coming by the office at noon for an interview. Preston and his staff must scramble to cover up the evidence of his embezzlement before Farrow exposes them – and they all end up in federal prison.

  • Cast Size: 3M 6W 
  • Running Time: 90+ minutes
  • Royalty Rate: $75 per performance

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About the Playwrights

Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend is an award-winning playwright, a member of the Dramatists Guild, and President of the Board of Arts For All, a NYC-based nonprofit bringing accessible artistic opportunities to children who face barriers to exploring the arts. She has a BFA in Film & TV from NYU and two kids who are disappointed that she doesn’t write plays about dinosaurs.

Average Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (6 votes)
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Emily McClain

Fantastic comedy!

This play is completely delightful! It skewers so much about wealth, non-profits, expose journalism, and how ridiculous rich men can be about their hobbies. But most importantly it features some incredibly hilarious roles for women!

1 month ago
Jacquelyn Floyd-Priskorn

A new favorite writer!

This play is so fast paced and hilarious! I NEED to see this staged, if not be IN it! I love all of the great female roles and the physical comedy is just a riot. Another great play by Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend. One of my new favorite writers!

1 month ago
David Lipschutz


THE SHADY LADY is a hilarious workplace farce. I was fortunate enough to see this play performed live at its world premiere with The Saint Sebastian Players in Chicago, Illinois. Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend and Kara Poe Atnip knock it out of the park with their writing. The characters all have very funny, unique voices/personalities, and the story will keep the audience guessing at what on Earth could possibly happen next!

1 month ago
Aly Kantor

Hilarious fun!

Oh, the things well-meaning people will go along with to maintain a fragile sense of security in a world LITERALLY buried in garbage! I ADORE this cast of quirky, recognizable women who are keeping the terrible man at the center of this scandal afloat. The circumstances are silly, but the personal stakes are consistently high. Easily staged in a single conference room, the hilarious sight gags and physical comedy keep things dynamic! This quick-moving play never pauses for a second… just when you think it has, things somehow escalate AGAIN! A timely workplace comedy with fantastic comedic roles for women!

1 month ago
Daniel Prillaman

She's Seaworthy

“The Shady Lady” is a goddamned delight. I cannot stress how refreshingly funny this play is. It is absolutely hysterical and gives every member of its cast (which is mostly funny older women!) multiple opportunities to shine. It is ruthlessly dry, expertly paced, and sprinkled with just the perfect amount of biting criticism of the patriarchy on top. Any producing team will have a surefire hoot with this, because embezzlement has never been more of a joy to watch. Highly recommend.

1 month ago
Rachel Feeny-Williams

You'll laugh so hard it hurts!

I laughed so hard through this play my ribs hurt! Lisa has created a wonderfully absurd world within a non-profit organisation where those in power are hopeless and their underlings are working frantically to save them (and by association themselves). The very witty back and forth between the collection of wonderfully created characters creates this brilliant farcical journey. It needs a live production!

1 month ago
Conor McShane

A never-not-timely satire

A snappy, extremely funny satire of the entitlement of mediocre white men, their uncanny ability to fail upward, and the women left to solve all the problems. The cast of characters–apart perhaps from Prestons both Big and Little–are sympathetic even as they get drawn deeper into their crimes, and their increasing ability to justify their actions.

1 month ago

Review The Shady Lady.

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