by John Lennox

A typical college general education course is nearing the end of the semester and the instructor discusses the final project with the students. Since the course is The Concept of Death in the Renaissance, they are tasked with portraying the deaths found in Shakespeare’s canon. Seems simple enough- act out a few death scenes and all done. He meant ALL the deaths in Shakespeare’s entire canon of plays- including the offstage ones. That is over 150 deaths to be presented in their “production”, which is the entirety of act 2 of this play. The students put their own twists on interpreting the fight scenes. Some are brilliant, some not so much. This is a wonderful action comedy for actors and audience alike. 

  • Cast Size: 9M 9W
  • Running Time: 90+ minutes
  • Royalty Rate: $75 per performance

Sample Coming Soon

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About the Playwright

Dr. John Lennox has been teaching at the college and university level since 1994. He has taught Acting, Shakespeare, Stage Make-Up, Stage Combat I & II, Technical Theatre, Theatre History, Intro to Theatre, Intro to Acting and directed several productions at various institutions. 

He is an internationally recognized fight director, regularly teaching workshops on stage and historical combat styles for professional stage combat organizations, fencing academies, colleges and universities throughout the world. He has been working as a fight director for over thirty years, and teaching the craft at colleges and universities for over twenty. He founded his stage combat company, Art of Combat, in 1999. 

He is an expert level knife instructor with the School of Two Swords, and an instructor with the Historical Maritime Combat Association and the Historical Martial Study Society.

John holds a B.S. in Theatre with an acting focus from Western Michigan University, an M.A. in Theatre with a theatre history focus from Michigan State University, and a Ph.D in Theatre with a directing/scholar emphasis with cognate studies in historical fencing from Wayne State University. He is the author of The History of Stage Swordplay: Shakespeare to the Birth of Film, Combat Theory: The Foundations of the Fight, Truth in Action: A Fight Director’s Compendium, and the editor of The Dagger/Counter-Dagger Concepts of Joachim Meyer.

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