by Catherine Burford

When Buzz and Ellen find a baby alien in their backyard, they adopt her and name her Polly. Although she appears human, she has purple hair and electric hands. She also has delayed development, screams whenever she hears loud noises, and unintentionally shocks cats. Afraid of how the world would react to her, her parents kept her in their backyard shed for fifteen years. It isn’t until a boy named Daryl stumbles upon the backyard that Polly really starts to feel a connection with the outside world through music and The Wizard of Oz. What will become of Polly and Daryl’s friendship? Will Ellen ever accept Polly as her daughter? And where exactly is Polly from? 

  • Cast Size: 3M 5W
  • Running Time: 90+ minutes
  • Royalty Rate: $75 per performance

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About the Playwright

Catherine Burford is an autistic writer, actress, and advocate. After learning of her autism diagnosis in her late teens, she set out to find proper information about autism and spread it to the uninformed. She also grew tired of the lack of proper representation, so she’s determined to create some on her own. The stories she has written and plans to write are the ones she wished she grew up with. If she had, then she could’ve accepted her autism sooner instead of hating herself for a few years. It is her firm belief that no autistic child should grow up with the self-loathing and internalized ableism that she suffered through. She currently lives near Nashville. 

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