Goodbye Cruel World
by Ted Westby and John D. Babcock III
“Goodbye Cruel World” is a two-act dark comedy about Gilbert – a writer in his mid-thirties whose romantic life is at a dead end and career is going nowhere. He is depressed, disillusioned, and suicidal. Making matters worse, he sees success and happiness thriving with those around him. His younger sister Randi is a musician whose band is starting to get traction. His neighbor Salvatore loves life and lives it with great gusto. Even Simone, Gilbert’s ex-girlfriend, has moved on and is, in fact, dating again. But Gilbert’s biggest problem is, and always has been, himself. If he can only step out of his own way to see the bigger picture outside of himself, he just may make real progress as a human being. The cast also includes Meredith – one of Randi’s friends who may just understand exactly where Gilbert is coming from.When we meet Gilbert, he is at the end of his tether. He is writing his suicide note but is struggling. How does one write the last thing they’ll ever put down on paper and ensure it’s good?
- Cast Size: 2M 3W
- Running Time: 90+ minutes
- Royalty Rate: $75 per performance
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