Email 9/12
by Midge Guerrera

During one of the most horrific tragedies our nation has ever faced, our keyboards kept us connected. Email: 9/12 demon-strates how sharing, grieving and even allowing a spark of humor to fly through cyberspace helped America get through the painful aftermath of 9/11. Unnamed actors play all the characters that responded to Margaret’s e-mail rambling about her day. These responses provide a picture that probes into the hearts of the people that were there, had someone there and those of us who will always be able to tell you where we were when the first plane hit the North Tower at 8:46 AM on September 11, 2001.
- Cast Size: 2M 3W
- Running Time: 90+ minutes
- Royalty Rate: $75 per performance
Order Script Copies (Oct 1)
Order Digital Download (Will NOT download to phones) (Oct 1)
About the Playwright

Midge Guerrera, now in her second act, has been a professor, producer, director, actor, arts administrator and most importantly to her a playwright. Produced works include E-Mail: 9-12 which was produced in four states on the 10th anniversary of 9/11. Annarita was selected for the Samuel French 29th Annual Short Play Festival. Historic works Midge has written and directed were commissioned by the Somerset County Cultural and Heritage Commission and Vocational High School – Ruth St. Denis: The Dance Continues; the Millstone Historic Society- Transitions; Somerset County Bi-Centennial Commission –Turnabou; the Stephen Crane House and funded in part by the NJ Council on the Humanities – Crane Chronicles; and the Stephen Crane Committee- Stephen Crane: The Middle Years. Many Snows Ago.explores the tales of Eastern Woodland Indians and has been performed at numerous schools. She has written over fifty plays for children. All produced by the Laffin’ Stock Company.
Ten-minute plays have done by Paradox Theatre, Brooklyn Lyceum Theatre’s Swamp King Ten Minute Play Festival; Lawrenceville 10 Minute Festival; Philly’s Primary Stages; Black Box Theatre of Asbury Park; and Collect Pond Studio, Greenpoint, Brooklyn.
Other work has been published by Applause Theatre and Cinema Books, New Jersey Performing Arts Center Learning Guides, Anchorage Press, and the American Alliance for Theatre in Education. In 2022, her book Cars, Castles, Cows and Chaos will be published by Read Furiously.
Midge spends half her year living in a small Southern Italian village. – follow Midge’s adventures living in Italy
I saw this play performed in Philly a few years back and it has really stuck with me.
This would be a great vessel for younger generations to learn about the emotional implications of 9/11. Midge does a beautiful job of getting to the heart of the human experience of that day.
I saw one of the original productions of this work. Using emails is a clever device for a contemporary epistolary play. It brought back memories of the day for those of us who witnessed it and will help those who were too young or not born yet to experience what our country went through. The set is basic and could be easily produced in a classroom setting.
Ho acquistato e letto il fantastico lavoro di Midge Guerrera. Un moderno racconto epistolare che emoziona.
È impressionante come, fin dalle prime righe, sono riaffiorate le sensazioni che provai in quel terribile giorno.
Cosa stavo facendo? Il ricordo era debole. Ma ho iniziato a leggere.
Un momento! Ecco, guardavo la tv. I programmi sono stati interrotti con le immagini di New York: fumo, macerie e gente che scappava in cerca di riparo. Incredibile.
Dopo 20 anni..
Mi sono emozionata, inaspettatamente mi è scesa una lacrima.
Cose del genere non dovrebbero mai accadere, ma se succedono non devono essere dimenticate.
E Midge mi ha riportata indietro di 20 anni.
Stesse lacrime, stessi brividi ma 20 anni più grande.
More than twenty years after the horrifying events of 9/11, it still hits home with terrifying immediacy. This play is a touching, moving, and very human work that captures the horror of that day and the immediate aftermath with graceful theatricality. Highly recommended.
Review Email 9/12.