by Ashley Lauren Rogers

Back in the early days of YouTube, Kurt was a minor celebrity vlogger who screamed about video games he hated. Now, he’s left that behind him after he got married, and it’s been years since he’d even thought of his old online persona. Until one night where he is visited by a shadow person…who won’t stop tickling his feet. When Kurt and his wife Patty attempt to catch this shadow person, questions arise about the origins of this being. According to Patty’s favorite podcast, Darkness Calls, these tickling incidents could be the work of a ghost, an alien, a traveler of space-time…. But they have to figure out a solution soon, or else they’ll never experience a good night’s sleep again.
- Cast Size: 2M 4W
- Running Time: 90+ minutes
- Royalty Rate: $75 per performance
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About the Playwright

Ashley Lauren Rogers is a Eugene O’Neill Theatre National Playwrights Conference Semifinalist 2021, Literary Director for Step1 Theatre Project, Oddity received an honorable mention on The Kilroys “The List,” 2020, Trans Theatre Lab fellow 2019, artist in residence at Middlesex County Vocational-Technical School 2018-2019. Works performed at Dixon Place, MITF, the Brick, Joe’s Pub. “Becky’s Xmas Wish,” Finalist for the City Theatre National Short Play Award, Miami, work produced in Wisconsin, Cincinnati, Maine, Iowa, New Jersey, Detroit, and Minneapolis. Creator Is It Transphobic and The Right to Play Podcasts. Visit for more info.
Review Chasing the Ghost.