by Rachel Feeny-Williams

Lisa & Eddie Fairchild had a rough upbringing, which is why they’ve always been fiercely loyal to each other, even when Eddie went to prison for rape and assault on his former girlfriend. Now, years after his release Lisa finds him on her doorstep in the middle of the night with fresh scratch marks and talking about an incident with a young woman. With the police on his tail, led by the tenacious DI Jenkins, who’s determined to put Eddie back behind bars, Lisa has to make a decision about who she will believe.

  • Cast Size: 2M 3W
  • Running Time: 90+ minutes
  • Royalty Rate: $75 per performance

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About the Playwright

From the production of her first play in March 2008, Rachel always knew she wanted to tell stories and the more interesting the owners of those stories could be the better. She’d written and produced a few of her own pieces over the next few years but it was in lockdown/the pandemic that she started playwriting with a little more…vigour. In February 2021 she took part in her first ‘play a day’ challenge and decided it was so addictive that she would go on to complete more, five more in the next two years in fact! As well as her own playwriting, Rachel, along with a friend decided they wanted to support other playwrights by creating a weekly playwriting group to run over Zoom, this has now been running for almost three years to great enthusiasm. Once the theatres re-opened Rachel’s work took off across the world, having 37 live productions in the UK and multiple states in the USA. Her highest achievement in all of that was to win the ‘Best Original Script’ award for a shortened version of the play ‘Believe Me’ at the Exmouth one Act Play Festival, which ran as part of the All-England Drama Festival. As well as writing, Rachel has now developed a passion for producing the work of others with the start of her audio play podcast ‘Theatrical Shenanigans’ in January 2023 which has gone on to produce the work of multiple playwrights all over the world. Despite all of this, Rachel has no desire to slow down, taking her collection of work from one play in 2008 to 230 in 2024!

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Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend

Complicated and Compelling

Believe Me is a great short which keeps you on your toes – You think you know, and then you realize you don’t know, but NOW you know – except no, you don’t. This is a compelling story about who we owe allegiance to and who deserves protection and how good people can sometimes find themselves in a morally gray place without a clear path forward.

2 months ago

Review Believe Me.

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