6 Character Plays

The play takes place on a stage in an unknown theatre in 1990. 5 actresses from different backgrounds with there own personalities are putting on the play “Planted in Pain, Blossomed in June” which is about a young black woman (Addie) who wants to escape her poverty stricken southern home and jump into adulthood with her new husband Sylvester. Her family wants other things for her. Especially her mother. The writer of the play has left instructions that all the characters of the play must be played by women, even the male roles. As the actresses rehearse and get closer to opening night they find that the play is causing them to remember painful memories of their own, especially the actress playing the main role Sasha. Sasha is a new Actor and this play is her big break but in order for her to truly find out who Addie is. Sasha must first find the pain that is inside her and use it to tell this story. As the days get close to opening night the actors break out in conversations about love, abuse, racism, and womanhood, and what it means to be a Black Actress in the world and the sacrifices you have to make.

  • Cast Size: 6W
  • Running Time: 90+ minutes
  • Royalty Rate: $75 per performance

A GULAG MOUSE by Arthur M. Jolly

Cast Size: 5W, 1M
Running Time: Approx 85 minutes
Royalty: $60 per performance

When priveledged and pretty Anastasia is sent to a Siberian gulag for the murder of her abusive husband, her arrival destroys the intricate web of hierarchy, alliance, and treachery among the other four inmates of her bunkhouse. To save herself, Anastasia must save all of them: the prostitute, the killer, the crone…and Pruska – the mouse. Arthur M. Jolly’s harrowing drama asks the question: How far will you go to survive?

ALL TOGETHER NOW by Philip Middleton Williams

Paul and Adam are a gay couple living together happily in Miami.  One morning the doorbell rings and in walks Fox, age 15, just off the plane from Santa Fe.  He tells them that he is Paul’s son and that he wants to live with them. To share in this staggering news are Paul’s parents Jim and Dorothy, and after an all-day frantic trip from Santa Fe, Fox’s mother, Julie. This life-changing moment touches them all: Paul and Adam, who are discussing marriage; Julie and Fox, who are coming to terms with this boy growing into adulthood, and Jim and Dorothy, who never expected to be grandparents.

  • Running Time: 90+ minutes
  • Royalty Rate: $75 per performance


Cast Size: 3M 3W
Running Time: Approx 90 minutes
Royalty: $75 per performance

The Clarks are a typical 1960s sit-com family: Dad who goes off to work each day, Mom who stays home and bakes cookies, daughter Betty who is a popular high school Senior, and son “Tiger” who just might be at that age where he is beginning to discover girls. However a change is in the air. Not just in the home of the Clarks, but throughout the idyllic little town of Mayville. It’s more than just this odd new decade of the 1960s. Betty has a new best friend named Wanda who hides a devastating secret…a secret that just might lead to the end of the world as we know it

When Jonah and his partner Giancarlo decide to adopt a baby from a foreign country, their friends hold a baby shower for them. But there’s trouble in paradise as Giancarlo had doubts about taking on the responsibility of raising a child. Will the baby help or hurt their relationship?

  • Cast Size: 6M
  • Running Time: 90+ minutes
  • Royalty Rate: $75 per performance


Cast Size: 4M 2W

Running Time: 90 minutes

Royalty Rate: $75 per performance

Sheila O’Connor is in trouble. She has been drinking too much lately at her favorite pub, The Dublin Rose, and has become a danger to herself. When her worried grandson arrives, determined to re-locate her from her beloved Richmond Hill, Queens to an assisted living community in New Jersey, the battle lines are drawn. Over the course of one tumultuous vodka-fueled evening filled with Irish magic and long-buried secrets, Sheila will learn to overcome her fears and finally find the courage to face the next chapter.

In the blink of an eye things are changing; cars replace wagons, television replaces newspapers, jet planes move us farther and farther away. Big Hills, Small Mountains, is a collection of fragmented conversations that happen in a small township of less than 49 square miles. It all takes place on May 12, 1974, between 2:03pm and 2:13pm, in the same moment for all of the characters, unbeknownst to them. The Big world will swallow the Small world of a township, not far from where you are now.

  • Cast Size: 3M 3W
  • Running Time: 90+ minutes
  • Royalty Rate: $75 per performance

Four vignettes playfully examine the theme of intolerance and consequences. Act I: Bright, middle-class high school senior Plum Everly is on a college tour with her uptight father, Hank Everly, when she meets overachieving silver spooner Kevin Biltmore, who’s vying for the same spot. Act II: Kevin confronts his high school English teacher Ms. Libby Cook. who is threatening to torpedo his lofty academic aspirations by giving him a B. Act III: Ms. Cook leads a bird watching expedition with Plum and Hank into the wilds of Oregon with disastrous results. Act IV: Dr. Everly presents Ms. Cook with an impossible choice to save her life. 

  • Cast Size: 3M 3W
  • Running Time: 90+minutes
  • Royalty Rate: $75 per performance

Waiting for a flight to London delayed by weather, six passengers decide to pass the time by re-enacting six of the stories from Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales (the Merchant, Miller, Reeve, Wife of Bath, Knight, and Nun’s Priest). Along the way they find the stories not only have a lot to say about sex, love, marriage, social status, youth, and age; but they are also revealed as reflections of each character’s personality and relationship to his or her fellow travelers. This play can be performed as a full-length work, or each tale can be presented as a separate 10-15 minute play.

  • Cast Size: 4M 2W
  • Running Time: 90+ minutes for full presentation/10-15 minutes for individual works
  • Royalty Rate: $75 for full production performance/$15 when shorts are produced individually

Back in the early days of YouTube, Kurt was a minor celebrity vlogger who screamed about video games he hated. Now, he’s left that behind him after he got married, and it’s been years since he’d even thought of his old online persona. Until one night where he is visited by a shadow person…who won’t stop tickling his feet. When Kurt and his wife Patty attempt to catch this shadow person, questions arise about the origins of this being. According to Patty’s favorite podcast, Darkness Calls, these tickling incidents could be the work of a ghost, an alien, a traveler of space-time…. But they have to figure out a solution soon, or else they’ll never experience a good night’s sleep again.

  • Cast Size: 2M 4W
  • Running Time: 90+ minutes
  • Royalty Rate: $75 per performance

COMPOSURE by Scott C, Sickles

Cast Size: 4M 2W

Running Time: 90+ minutes

Royalty Rate: $75 per performance

When Fletcher Driscoll returned to his hometown to direct Romeo and Juliet, he never expected to end up in his own star-crossed romance with Jeff, a recently out divorcé with a complicated past. Nor was he prepared to confront Tommy, his high school best friend who broke his heart… repeatedly and on purpose.

A powerful drama about the resonance of loss, Composure is for everyone who has ever loved the wrong person and worries that it’s too late to find the right one.

It’s 1976.  The Bicentennial.  Consciousness Raising.  The Bionic Man.  In a suburb of New York City, three women are waging their own personal revolutions. Joyce is just turning forty, and she doesn’t seem unhappy about it.  She’s got a big house, an understanding, older husband, a couple of college-age kids.  She’s charismatic, confident, a perfect hostess, and completely unfulfilled.  Nina, a decade younger than Joyce, with a small child, is new in town.  She’s overeducated and overanxious, but the valium her psychiatrist husband is prescribing for her should help with all that.  When Joyce’s welcome wagon arrives at Nina’s door, the women hit it off.  They embark on an increasingly intimate relationship.  This is nothing new for Joyce, but for Nina, it changes everything. Meanwhile, Joyce’s 18-year-old daughter – Stacia – is just starting college.  But she already knows everything, including what’s best for herself and everyone else.  Away from home for the first time, Stacia is experimenting with the power of her own sexuality, and she has nothing like the constraints her mother had at that age.  Both very funny and very serious, DAUGHTERS of the SEXUAL REVOLUTION explores the kind of courage it takes to be faithful – not just to your partner but to yourself – especially when you’ve never had a role model for that kind of thing.  

Cast Size: 3W 3M

Running time: 90+ minutes

Royalty Rate: $75 per performance

A righteous rabbi tries to honor the memory of her scheming father without betraying her core beliefs. 

Samantha Marcus is a progressive rabbi who wants to live a good and decent life.  She and her three sisters – a real estate developer, a struggling tennis pro, and a spiritualist – have been out of touch for years.  Following the death of their father, who was a hard-drinking, hard-driving union activist, Samantha is impelled to bring them together to re-calculate their shared legacy and divide his estate.

Divided Among Themselves is a dramatic comedy that explores America’s differing views toward money, charity, and self-reliance – while examining the relationship of a grown child to a deceased parent.

  • Cast Size: 2M 4W
  • Running Time 80 minutes
  • Royalty Rate: $75 per performance

In a not-too-distant future when procreation is strictly regulated in a last-ditch effort to save the human race from self-annihilation, public defender Joseph Truman (Cowboy) finds himself saddled with a new client. Sydney Marginski (Sid) is initially charged with kidnapping when she is apprehended with an undocumented child, and later faces far more egregious charges when it is discovered that she has conceived a child without lawful sanction. Cowboy must plead his client’s case and win over public opinion via the Federal Education and Entertainment Display (FEED), a state-controlled, judicial broadcast that will ultimately decide Sid’s fate. During the explosive proceedings, Cowboy fights with everything he has for his client’s right to choose, and ultimately discovers a reason to reinvest in a dying world.

  • Cast Size: 3M 3W
  • Running Time: 90+ minutes
  • Royalty Rate: $75 per performance

Nothing is sacred and no woman is safe. Grand Dragon D.C. Stephenson takes control of an entire state on a platform of anti-immigration and Protestant moral values. He is brought down only when he is convicted of murder after a brutal rape results in the death of one of his girlfriends. This tale of demagoguery, misogyny, and xenophobia is inspired by true events. Although it is set in the 1920’s, it resonates with echoes of today’s society and politics.

  • Cast Size: 4M 2W
  • Running Time: 90+ minutes
  • Royalty Rate: $75 per performance


Cast Size: 2M 4W

Running Time: 90+ minutes

Royalty Rate: $75 per performance

Beth, a fifty-eight year-old editor, is unexpectedly fired from the Los Angeles-based food magazine where she worked for decades. Shaken and shamed, Beth returns to to her modest family home in Grand Junction, Colorado, where she re-connects with her younger sister Pam and Pam’s adult daughter Dana. Beth and Pam’s relationship is convoluted and occasionally contentious. Beth left Grand Junction after she finished high school, focusing on her career and a cosmopolitan life-style in southern California. Pam, on the other hand, has lived in Grand Junction all her life, caring for both their parents during times of terminal illness. Dana, meanwhile, is facing her own considerable challenges, as she considers reconciling with her volatile and verbally abusive husband Riley. As Beth comes to grips with the new circumstances of her life, Pam begins to see her sister as a person of substance despite her foibles and flaws. After Beth intervenes to help Dana, the sisters seem ready to form a new relationship based on mutual respect and a shared desire to mend old wounds and escape the patterns of the past.


Cast Size: 4M 2W

Running Time: 90+ minutes

Royalty Rate: $75 per performance

Lawrence is on the rebound. His best pals — ex-lover Niles and devout virgin Briony — can only provide so much comfort. Then in walks Allan, a handsome attorney who whisks him away from his problems… and soon begins to separate Lawrence little by little from the people and things he cares about. Allan’s plan to control Lawrence starts to backfire when Lawrence reveals himself to be a stronger person than the heartbroken sad sack he was the night they met. But is Lawrence strong enough?

Newlyweds Jake and Luna are headed for epic calamity. Impulsively eloping after meeting on a bungee jump, they now must discover the stranger they married. But their wish for a marriage of constant surprises becomes more than they bargained for. First, they have no place to live, and every attempt to solve this only creates more mess. They deal with quirky roommates, Mari and Stan, by unwisely trying to match-make them. Then they must cope with mysterious disappearances, violence, intruding interlopers, and a disastrous dinner party ending in a mystical disco dance. As Jake and Luna bring their dreamy romance back to earth, they see their crazy love contagious to the people surrounding them. 

  • Cast Size: 3M 3W
  • Running Time: 90+ minutes
  • Royalty Rate: $75 per performance
  • HELLMAN v. MCCARTHY By Brian Richard Mori (Available Feb 1)
  • Cast Size: 4M 2W
  • Running Time: 90+ minutes
  • Royalty Rate: $75 per performance

HELLMAN v. McCARTHY is based on the greatest literary feud in modern American history.  On January 24, 1980, Mary McCarthy, famed novelist, critic, and memoirist, appeared on The Dick Cavett Show and declared that “every word [Lillian Hellman] writes is a lie, including ‘and’ and ‘the.’”  Hellman went ballistic and sued McCarthy, Dick Cavett, Cavett’s production company, and PBS for libel.  The lawsuit, which spanned more than four years, was the talk of the literary community.  Dick Cavett played himself in the critically acclaimed world premiere at the Abingdon Theatre Company.

Howard doesn’t get out much. A skilled artist with a lonely streak, his main source of camaraderie comes from his friends, a collection of dolls made from locally sourced materials. Each one has a story, a past, and a promising future as a part of Howard’s human doll gallery. They’re treated with the utmost respect with daily touch-ups, hangouts, and a weekly movie night to name a few of the perks. What more could a human doll want? After accepting a job at Hillary’s, a local department store, he’s greeted by a slew of new faces like Cyrus, the store manager, and Grayson, a fellow employee. Ecstatic, Howard can’t wait to make some new friends…

  • Cast Size: 4M 2W
  • Running Time: 90+ minutes
  • Royalty Rate: $75 per performance


Cast Size: 3M 2W 1M or W

Running Time: 120+ minutes

Royalty Rate: $75 per performance

The Importance of Being Cecily, or Cecil by Daniel Curzon dramatizes in a comedic way the problems of some folks in late Victorian England, as Oscar Wilde did not, could not, or would not do, lest he spend even more time in prison. We have Algernon , the ugly-named man about town, trying to arrange a suitable marriage with a pretty unsuitable girl, or maybe with her brother. We have Miss Prizzin, the governess, a thoroughly self-righteous and unbending “progressive.” Has she committed a series of crimes with her teapot, or has she been maligned? We have Lane, a manservant yearning for a strong woman in his life, but where is she? We have Lord Bracknell, Lady Bracknell’s husband, who cannot seem to escape his marital debt. Then there is Cecil, a willowy, poetic lad fond of willow banks and similes, but not assonance. The Usual Suspects? Hardly.

IN FLIGHT by Jenny Lyn Bader

Cast Size: 3M 3W

Running Time: 90+ minutes

Royalty Rate: $75 per performance

A play about the power of poetry, the poetry of power, and the perils of publishing. —And surely the world’s first verse play set in the offices of an in-flight airline magazine.

INLAND EMPRESS is a full-length play set in California’s High Desert or Inland Empire that deals with many contemporary themes and issues. Louise is a career criminal who finishes her seven year stretch in Chowchilla Women’s Prison and comes home to find that her position as head of the family and the family business has been filled by her niece. The family believes that Louise has come back to take her place, but Louise reveals to them that in prison she had a spiritual enlightenment, and her life has changed. Louise explains that she has converted to the Muslim religion and at the same time reveals the answers to many, deep, family secrets. Louise tries to make amends and help the girls through their personal problems, but must confront the eldest girl, Sierra, who believes that Louise is trying to dethrone Sierra and take away the power that she has held over the last seven years.

  • Cast Size: 1M 5W
  • Running Time: 90+ minutes
  • Royalty Rate: $75 per performance


Cast Size: 3M 3W
Running Time: 1 hr 45 min
Royalty: $60 per performance

On the eve of her wedding, Jodi, a stand-up comic, is having more than just the usual cold feet – she’s on the brink of calling the entire event off and has locked herself in the upstairs bathroom. While her brother Sam and his girlfriend Tina try to coax her out and get to the bottom of the problem – the evening goes from bad to worse. Jodi has learned that her fiancé, John (another stand-up comic), has been unfaithful to her and as the long night creeps into the wee hours of the morning – Jodi wonders what other secrets might be lurking under the surface of the relationship. Before the evening is over, the truth comes out and everyone’s view of love and commitment is pushed to the limits – as present and past relationships send everyone into a tangled web of emotional ruin. 

KISS AND CRY by Tom Rowan

Fiona Blake is a hot young actress who has just made her debut in a big summer horror movie; Stacy Clifford is a male figure skater headed for Olympic glory. They meet late one night at a Hollywood party, strike up a friendly conversation, and end up sneaking out together—but not without catching the attention of the paparazzi. When the gossip columns turn them into a couple, they decide to play along—in order to cover up the fact that, in reality, both of them are gay. As the lie snowballs, it begins to wreak havoc with their careers, their relationships, and every aspect of their lives. 

Set amidst the neon-colored pop-cultural obsessions of the late 1990s, Kiss and Cry is a romantic comedy with a sharp satiric edge.

  • Cast Size: 3M 3W
  • Running Time: 90+ minutes
  • Royalty Rate: $75 per performance

LAMP by Gene Kato

Cast Size: 3M 2W 1 M or F
Running Time: 2 hrs
Royalty: $60 per performance

Jerry is having the worst Christmas season ever. When he loses his job as a newspaper film critic for panning a blockbuster film that was made by his boss’s son – he’s not sure he can survive the holidays. In an effort to cheer him up, his girlfriend gives him an old lamp that just happens to contain a genie – who grants Jerry five wishes. As each wish takes him farther and farther into disaster – Jerry begins to worry that the odd number of wishes might come back to haunt him in the end. 

Lockdown by Eric Mansfield

During a school shooting, a guidance counselor, history teacher, PTA president, senior class officer and football coach take cover together. While trying to stay quiet, most of the group believes they know which student must be shooting. But when that student enters the office to hide with them, the group is forced to back up their suspicions about the teen they think they know. Under constant fear of a gunman, maybe even hiding among them, the group must own not only own their prejudices but also the deep secrets each has connected to gun violence.

  • Cast Size: 2M 4W
  • Running Tine: 90+ minutes
  • Royalty Rate: $75 per performance

“Norma’s Rest” explores the poignant journey of Norma, a compassionate woman running a sober living home. As she battles cancer and confronts her mortality, a local pastor presents a tempting offer to buy the home, stirring inner conflict. The play delves into themes of forgiveness, second chances, and the shared humanity that unites us, revealing that even the most flawed individuals are not so different from the rest of us.

  • Cast Size: 3W, 2M, 1NB
  • Running Time: 90+ minutes
  • Royalty Rate: $75 per performance 


Cast Size: 5M 1W
Running Time: 2 hrs
Royalty: $60 per performance

A darkly-humorous, yet, foreboding look at post 9/11 America, Osama Been Laughing gives witness to the collateral damage inflicted by Mary Leary’s terrorist-obsessed paranoid delusions… Mary spends her days glued to her telescope, scanning suburbia to rip the invisible terrorist weeds from her neighbors’ manicured lawns. When she convinces herself there are Al Qaeda wannabe’s in the neighborhood plotting the demise of western civilization, she turns to the only thing she believes has the clear answers, her religion. Can a conniving, pedophile priest be the one to convince her that her country’s salvation rests solely on the sacrifice of her only son?

Jameson is a troubled community college student in love with Fiona, his Psychology 101 professor. Jameson has adored Fiona since he was a small boy and Fiona was his live-in nanny. Fiona is in love with David, Jameson’s extremely wealthy and powerful father who everyone regards as a genius and a wonderful man but who is in truth terribly cruel to Jameson. Jameson becomes convinced that David and Fiona had an earlier affair when Fiona was the nanny and this led to his mother’s suicide. Jameson resolves to expose the earlier affair, ruin his father, and free Fiona from his clutches. But how does a neurotic child defeat a genius father without becoming a genius oneself?

  • Cast Size: 3M 2W 1NB
  • Running Time: 90+ minutes
  • Royalty Rate: $75 per performance

THE PARTY by Ken Crost

Cast Size: 4M 2W
Running Time: 2 hrs
Royalty: $60 per performance

What happens when you cross Agatha Christie with Monty Python? You get The Party – a sort of drawing room murder mystery set in a posh London apartment where everyone is either named Richard or Mildred, which adds to the sheer madness. Richard and Mildred have planned a dinner party for all of their best friends, but did Mildred send out the invitations? When Richard, a neighbor and uninvited guest, shows up in a tux and feigns ignorance of the party all hell breaks loose resulting in the unfortunate shooting death of the crasher. When no one else shows up, Richard and Mildred decide to head off into the night, leaving poor Richard’s body lying on their floor covered in a tablecloth. Later, Richard and Mildred discover that Richard’s body is no longer under the tablecloth. Where did it go? To help unravel this mystery, the police arrive in the form of Lieutenant Richards, and Richard and Mildred’s two best friends, Richard and Mildred, show up to lend their support. The play careens along until everyone is dead and the bodies have piled up like so much fire wood. 

In the ‘super-natural’ drama Piece of the Sky, the battle between fate and free will takes its toll as six souls search for meaning and truth outside of the confines of time.

Gilbert, while drinking to forget his troubles, introduces himself to Jack, who has stopped off at the bar to relax before heading home to his young son. Total strangers, Benjamin and Gabby, happen upon each other while celebrating the end of a long work week with friends. The two pairs’ soul-tending, angelic bartenders are struggling with the meaning of life and their responsibilities towards humanity. All six characters take a philosophical journey toward a deep understanding of their places in and out of time.

  • Cast Size: 3M 1W 2 ANY
  • Running Time: 90+ minutes
  • Royalty Rate: $75 per performance

RASTUS AND HATTIE by Lisa Langford

Cast Size: 3M 3W

Running Time: 90+ minutes

Royalty Rate: $75 per performance

Needra and Marlene enjoy a perfect post-racial friendship until “black” robots walk into their lives. These automatons, based on Westinghouse’s 1930 brown-skinned robots, place them at opposite ends of society in an alternate past. This hilarious comedy delves into our traumatic legacy and explores new ideas about how to move forward. 

Saint Somebody by Rita Anderson

When an African-American “deserter” wanders into the camp of the Irish Brigade near Gettysburg, conflicts intensify, but the soldier carries an old statue that his family calls “Saint Somebody,” since they don’t know her real name. Based on real events at The Wheatfield, the play, SAINT SOMEBODY, suggests one solution as to how the Brigade of 600 held back Confederate troops for three days when they were outnumbered by thousands. What the Irish Brigade needed—and found—was a miracle. A play about the women and other unsung heroes in the Civil War, SAINT SOMEBODY explores a part of history that has not been dramatized. It confronts the brutalities of war (to include behind-the-battlefield issues), and the characters demonstrate love’s resilience and the necessity of hope to keep the spirit alive in dire straits.

  • Cast Size: 3M 3W
  • Running Time: 90+ minutes
  • Royalty Rate: $75 per performance

SINGLE AGAIN by Sherry Alpert

Cast Size: 4M 2W
Running Time: 90 minutes
Royalty: $60 per performance

Single Again is a laughter-and-tears play about middle-aged, post-divorce dating. Robin goes on a couple of dates from hell, attends a singles reception, and embarks on three very different relationships. What knits the play together and impacts the relationships is Robin’s evolving relationship with her father and how that influences her choice of men. Single Again is kind of a Heidi Chronicles when Heidi hits middle age. Robin exhibits her vulnerabilities, fears and desire to be loved as well as her increasing awareness of the complexity of relationships and her emotional growth.

Based on the work of Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin, the Sound of Silence follows Robert Graham and Anna Hart as they embark on their pursuit of following their dreams in showbiz. The two cross paths at the most renowned theater in Hollywoodland. Robert is working as a stagehand and Anna is starring in her first play. Upon meeting, the two heroes experience love at first sight only to be separated and brought together for the rest of their lives. Will their love be able to persist through the trials and tribulations or will it fall by the wayside? Only one thing is certain…silence is golden, but true love is pure.

  • Cast Size: 2M 1W 3+ Gender Neutral
  • Running Time: 90+ minutes
  • Royalty Rate: $75 per performance

Maggie has to take her beloved car to be junked. En route, she’s visited by the memories of the defining moments of her life. Her car has witnessed love and heartbreak, rejected bad boyfriends, held her in times of great trauma, participated in the creation and destruction of relationships, and maybe, just maybe, it will help her out one last time. 

  • 4M 2W 
  • Running Time: 90+ minutes
  • Royalty Rate: $75 per performance

Twelve short interconnected plays based in modern day France at Christmas time. Twelve stories set in Paris, Brittany, Normandy and Provence which weave together wild boars and hunters, swans on the Seine, partridges in plum trees, lonely lovers and more… 

  • Cast Size: 2M 4W w/ Flexible Casting
  • Running Time: 60+ minutes
  • Royalty Rate: $75 per performance

Several years after the country falls under the sway of criminal corruption, Maddie (a former activist turned convenience store clerk) finds herself stuck in her dead-end job, without hope and unable to move forward. When a gun-toting convenience store burglar convinces her to embrace the new America and turn to crime, Maddie embarks on a surreal journey involving a punk rocker, an philandering academic, a former child actor and a man in a giant penguin suit. WAYS TO BE HAPPY is a post-Trumpian comedy about rediscovering hope when you’re surrounded by insanity.

  • Cast Size: 3M 3W
  • Running Time: 90+ minutes
  • Royalty Rate: $75 per performance

As a mixed-race police family, the Claytons thought they were the model of acceptance, tolerance and love.  But when George Floyd dies under the knee of a white cop, the Claytons find themselves at odds with one another both in the riots in the streets of Winesville – or “Whitesville” as it’s known in rural Indiana – and in the family living room. Can white parents and their adopted black children own up to their own prejudice and reach a deeper level of honesty and support? Or will the nation’s unrest prove too much for this blended family to endure as a cop father in a gas mask faces off with his teen children with a mother/wife caught in the middle?

  • Cast Size: 4M 2F
  • Running Time: 90+ minutes
  • Royalty Rate: $75 per performance


Cast Size: 4M 2W
Running Time: 2 – 2 1/2 hrs (Meant to be performed through a 5-course meal)
Royalty: $40 per performance

Harry Hooter has enemies – and most of them are his friends! This interactive murder mystery is meant to be played out over a full 5-course dinner – immersing the audience into the crime scene. After a mishap with an air conditioning system – Harry ends up dead in front of the crowd, who now have to solve the crime before the evening is up. Who did it? Was it the bodyguard? The jilted girlfriend? The cocktail waitress? The Olive Man? The Detective? Perfect for fundraising or for groups who love interactive mysteries – “Who Killed Harry Hooter?” will keep your audiences guessing to the very end. 

Review 6 Character Plays.

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